Garden Room Price Calculators
Are you looking for an idea of garden room prices? You have come to the right place! We have researched the market and created a price calculator that will quickly tell you the average price for different size garden rooms.
The prices we were quoted included VAT and installation using the company's standard foundation option. These prices didn't include delivery costs which are location-dependent, nor the final electrical connection.
The calculator is designed to give you a quick idea of the cost of your chosen size garden room and allow you to set your budget.
We explored the work of garden room companies across the UK as the basis of our calculator. Segmenting the prices by the construction specification. We combined this data into a spreadsheet that forms these calculators' basis.
The quoted prices include VAT and installation using the company's standard foundation option. This does not include delivery costs which are dependent on where you live.
Notes on using the price calculator
Our calculators allow you to select common widths & depths of garden room, but you can get more specific sizes. Many companies work in 500mm or 600mm increments, while bespoke designers can offer sizes down to the nearest millimetre.